Reading 6- Postmodern Design Handout

Wolfgang Weingart

April Greiman

Emigre - Rudy VanderLans & Zuzana Licko

Neville Brody

David Carson

Jeffrey Keedy

Ed Fella

Project 5- Record Album Cover

Final Cover


Final Comp


Second Comp


First Comp
Post Modern


Design Brief:
In this project I am going to design a record album cover for Kansas. The front cover will be based around the song "Dust in the Wind." The album will be a gate-fold cover. It will be designed with a Swiss/Bauhaus influence, with simple, geometrical shapes, and san-serif type. My design will be created on a grid. My design will show a Hierarchal Composition with Dominant, Subdominant, and Subordinate qualities.  The size of the album cover will be 12"x12"

Project 4- BDPF

First Comp


Reading 4